
Point + Shoot - Easter Long Weekend (So Far)

My first easter in Australia and it has been fab! For Point + Shoot this week I have put in a few pictures from a walk I done with a couple of friends today which was AMAZING! but also to explain what I have been up to over the weekend also.

So Thursday myself, Ian, Miss S and Mr O met up for a few bevvy's at Manly Wharf Hotel which is a cool little, well big, bar. Had a few games of pool with them and just had a catch up. Mr O had just got back from his trip to Boston where he ran a marathon - Crazy if you ask me - Friday I was feeling a bit worse for wear but got a text of Miss A so we met up and went for a walk around Manly and decided to do some Geocaching. Now Geocaching for those who don't is basically a bit like Hide and Seek. People plant little tubs, tubes and god knows what else all over the world and they are called a Cach. Then with co-ordinates either on a android of iPhone app and also the website you can find these cachs.

Each cach holds a note pad for you to write your username and also trackables, these have goals i.e. a particular place to go or like one a recently found was in memory of someone who passed away so they wanted to be moved around the world to beautiful place. Very addictive and takes you to the most amazing walks, views and places you wouldn't know existed. Well it turns out Miss A has got a new place and we met her new housemates in a bar - Next minute I wake up in my bed feeling bad!! YUK!

Saturday night I chilled out with my boyfriend, watched a movie, drunk wine, had easter eggs and this was lush, something we haven't had time to do since being here and was nice to have a evening like that.

Then today went on this fab walk with views of Northern Beaches and is another reminder why I HATE Bondi and all that comes with it lol! Check out the pics below :) hope your having a fab long weekend... I am :)

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  1. Sounds like a perfect Aussie Easter weekend to me. Best thing is the weather is holding out and sunshine is still around so you can make the most of the outdoors. Happy Easter :)

  2. it was lush, I would have never had known about this walk and beautiful view.... just breathtaking. Me and some friends are going to have a picnic up there... amaze hope your having a fab easter weekend to :) xoxo


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