

I'm sure we have friends that we go out with, have fun with, chill out with but do we have friends that we can truly say "We trust". I have about 3 friends back in the UK I can actually say I trust, but not having them with me is hard because when you need to talk to someone, you need to talk to them now.

I have been in Australia now for 1 year - I have made some friends and a couple of good friends and although I tell a couple of them 80% of things I just feel like if I tell them my stuff ALL the time like my highs and my lows that I will just be a burden to them. I think maybe because when you move here (on your own or even with a partner) its hard and you become vulnerable. I have in the short space of time since I've been here been burnt twice by whom I called friends. I think since being my birthday I missed having my closest and oldest friends around me and suppose that has just brought light on what you take for granted when you've grown up with people who have been through what you go through with you.

For example one of my closest friends who I trust dearly - she was there when I was mugged by knife point in a park (I kid you not), she also was one if not the first person I told I was gay at just 14 and she could tell that I was missing my friends!  I won't get that here in Australia, I mean i'm to closed - I don't seem to want to let people in and get close to me here WTF is that about. I have relaxed a little bit but I have made one of the biggest mistake in putting my guards up as soon s someone pisses me off in the tiniest way. I have met some lovely people who I have experienced some amazing things and seen some amazing things but I don't feel I have that someone I can call if I feel down and will meet me for a drink or will pick me up and take me for a drive.

Hmmm I don't know, i'm not down or un-happy, in fact I couldn't be happier - but I just can't help but feel that the one thing I am missing is the one things that you really do take for granted when you move away from home and that is Friendship.

What are your thoughts on this? Ask yourself are all or a majority of your friends, friends you have known for years? or have you been able to start a new life in another country and not feel the same? I don't know maybe my birthday has just made me realise how much I miss and take for granted my friends back home!!

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