
I am a stress head !!

What a week I am having !!... I have been doing nothing but stressing all week !! I just want my damn Permanent Residency visa to hurry it's little self up. I'm driving myself crazy !! I'm constantly checking my emails, phone and post box just waiting for it to turn up !! What do I doooooo oooooo!!! I have been popping at Ian and my mum as I am on tender hooks and just want my visa so I can get back into work!!!

They have received my police check and now I have been assigned a case officer - Thank God!!!

I sometimes sit and wonder why I put myself through the stress of it all and ask myself is it really worth it. My answer is yes, I think ?, I have not long turnt 22, moved away from home the day after I turned 21 and have made some good and also some bad decisions since I have lived here - and when I say bad I mean pretty bad mistakes. The good ones have deffo out weighed the bad 200% I have had the best first year of my life here in Sydney and met some amazing people!! Some of which it's unfortunate that I am no longer in touch with and other's I am glad to see the back off but either way I have sieved through and got the loyal and good friends left.

The stress is so going to worth it!! I HOPE - I will be back on the working class, having fun, going out with friends and living life !! With lots planned throughout the rest of this year I need to get myself back on track !! Come Mr Case Officer!! please tick the YES on my file :)

I have accomplished so much over the last few months after my last job saving the money I saved and living a pretty good life although I am now ready for work !! Come on PR get here.... Tony needs to get back making some $$$ ;)

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