
Watching the world go by...

I sit here this morning as I look out my window for over an hour now and enjoy watching the world go by. I am lucky enough to sit in one of the most beautiful spots in Sydney over looking Fairlight Beach, a nice little beach with a swimming pool. Around me are 6-7 apartment blocks a few 6 storey high trees.

I can hear the laughter of children playing outside with a hint of wave splashing on the shore perfectly. The sky has no imperfections today a nice clean blue sky with the odd marsh mellow. I could gaze out of this window for hours and hours watching the world go by and watching people. I sometimes hate the fact I live in an apartment but when you realise you have a good set of neighbours and a perfect working balance - well for Ian he has I am still a beach bum !! not that I am complaining - it becomes clear that I am very lucky and fortunate to be where I am today :)

Waiting for my Permanent Residency is taking its time now! I just received my Australian Federal Police Check once they receive this (which should be today as I sent it registered post yesterday) that + my file will be given to a case officer !! so hopefully not to much longer. Knowing that in a few weeks I will have freedom of doing and working wherever I like is such a nice feeling. I worked so hard in my previous role and saved up a nice amount of money to relax for the last few months but now I am ready to go back into work.

Not long now I hope...
I might try recruitment for the very last time. My first job in recruitment and my previous role have not given me the best confidence in the Recruitment Industry, very cut throat, very bitchy and if your not flavour of the month then your doomed !! This is the opinion of other friends I have in recruitment but we shall see I still have faith that there is a nice recruitment firm with a relaxed attitude with decent people to work with. But who knows I am only 22 still got a couple of years to decide what I want to do forever.

me 2320792019325777784

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  1. Hi Mark!!

    Thanks for the feedback... always nice to hear what readers think !! what are you doing for your job maybe I can help !?

    Let me know


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