
Swan-k Taxis.... I hate them!

WOOOOO it's saturday night... me and a girl friend hit the town excited, had a ball and a few drinks! Exactly what I needed after the January I had :)....

Imagine then getting a taxi and then being asked to leave the taxi ON THE HARD SHOULDER..... ON A FREAKING FREEWAY!... I just complained and they asked me to e-mail... Take a read lol... I will update this post as the so called "investigation" unfolds....

Hi Rohani,

Thanks for your time earlier today.

As discuss on Sunday 3rd February at approx. 3:30/4am (time is abit vaugue) Myself and my friend got in the taxi on the Bridge over the train station in the middle of NorthBridge and Perth CBD.

The minute myself and a lady friend of mine got into the taxi we sensed that he didn’t want to take us to Fremantle – but he told me it would be $50 off the metre – so naturally being so late and after a few drinks I just paid him. He had an issue with my friend holding a half-eaten kebab which she wrapped up – again he got rude about this. We went onto the freeway and my friend (who had a few drinks) lost her balance and a little of the kebab fell out – when I say little I mean hardly anything. It fell on this guys leather seats so thankfully it wasn’t fabric so my friend picked it all up put in back into the kebab and then proceeded to use her dress to wipe the seat. He went mad at this and on the bridge on the freeway heading south he decided to stop in the hard shoulder and try and kick us out there – I told him I would give him an extra $25 to clean it up – he wasn’t having none of it. He drove to the next exit and pulled into a BP garage – Im pretty sure it was Mill Point Road. He then was kicking us out!

I didn't realise this but he had the metre running – he told me he was going to deduct the $19 or so dollars off the $50 I gave him. Admittedly I got rude and threw in a few swear words at him but wouldn’t you at 4am when you want to get home and he is reacting so irrationality?? I told him no way! I gave him $50 off the meter to take me home, he failed to do so, so I wanted all the money back if he wasn't going to carry on the journey after a few moments of me and him having a verbal disagreement him getting rude to my friend in the back I managed to take photos of his ID stuff and then I told him to go F**K himself and then got out the taxi – leaving us in the BP garage where hardly ANY taxi’s go passed and waiting nearly an hour for another one.

His TAXI ID is 8536
His TAXI License number is 41317 (I do have pictures of both of these but can’t seem to attach them

My thoughts on the above

  • ·         I feel his manor and behaviour was disgusting – there are hardly ANY taxi’s as it as at that time of the morning and we don’t expect that behaviour from someone who is apparently providing a “service”
  • ·         Stopping on a hard shoulder of a freeway is dangerous and offensive we are not animals.
  • ·         Dropping us off is ok – but to then tell me you are going to deduct you “on meter” fair for what was and “unmetered journey” is ridiculous… had I not have paid him upfront I would have simply got out the taxi and not handed him any money, of which I am sure you would do the same?
  • ·         To think he did this to anybody is mad! Imagine how my lady friend might have felt, scared intimiated?? Yes all of the above she wasn't to know what was going to happen!

I hope you take this matter seriously I wouldn't expect a friend/family member or anybody to talk to a dog the way he spoke to us and I hope he doesn't do it to anybody else….

Kind Regards,

Tony Kimber
Taxis 2037507496918178091

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