Treat people how you want to be treated they said, it will come back around they said!
Treat people how you want to be treated they said, it will come back around they said!
The above is the biggest load of rubbish I have ever heard, my mum use to say this to me all the time and now it just grinds on me! Generally speaking I will befriend pretty much anybody, with a few exceptions, but generally I do! I then naturally become closet to some and hold them close to my head/heart.Over the last 3 nearly 4 years of moving to Australia I have met more venomous people than I ever have, and i'll give you a little run down
Work Colleagues
Gave me nasty nicknames, tried to get me beaten up in a nightclub in Sydney, bullied me for my sexuality and would often threaten me. Take "office banter" seriously and then complain to management about it!
People have got involved in a friendship circle and caused shit, shit stirred about me and worst thing is 90% of the friend circle believed them, people taking money never paying it back, people generally taking advantage of the fact I an kind hearted and help them out and then shit on me from a 400 story building!
I mean if you asked my friends about me although they may say "sometimes a bit much" or "is a little OTT at time" I guarantee you each of them will also say funny, kind, loyal, fun
I guess maybe I should choose my friend more carefully, get out of recruitment and maybe not help people out as much in order to really find a great balance between life and relation/friend ships.