
Don't you hate the wrong side of the bed?

Today is the day I have experienced the whole waking up on the wrong side of the bed thing... What is that about!? You wake up, you feel really annoyed and angry all day and you can't seem to snap out of it! I even found out that I am going to the Sydney Premiere of "Don't know how she does it" Tonight and that still didn't perk me up!!! I suppose a little like this...

I am not quite sure what is wrong with me this morning, in fact I am not quite sure what it is I should be doing... I feel a little lost today, a bit down, a bit blahhh!!... Maybe the lack of sleep from the weekend is to blame? Maybe I should ask someone who has a crystal ball to let me know how I will feel for the rest of the week lol!!

No in all serious I have been thinking about a lot of things, I do enjoy recruitment and I enjoy who I am working for and who I am working with but I sometimes wonder if I was born to do recruitment? what if I am supposed to be an astronaut? or vet? or a fire-fighter - pfffffft yeah right AS IF!!!... I just sometimes think have I missed my calling!?

Now I am settled in Australia, I have a nice group of friends, although I do miss having someone I can completely trust, I have a fab house and na even more fab boyfriend...maybe I now have time to reflect on other aspects of my life I am not too happy about!

At the moment I work for a fab company, the people I work with - especially the people in my office - are awesome! We have fun and we work hard, were going on a boat for Melbourne Cup tomorrow and will be awesome!... I love dealing with new people every day which I do in recruitment - but I feel maybe my personality and creativity is bogged down at a desk, I don't have time to be me and be free and do something creative. Before I recruited I was a hairdresser - yes stereotype I know - and i LOVED it... the reason I left that was because when I moved out of my mum and dads house at 16 it didn’t pay all the bills and needed to make some serious dollar which I did... it's got me to Australia through sponsorship and now I am defacto on my partners Permanent Residency and now I have no VISA worries nor do I HAVE to do recruitment I wonder if I should?

I do believe even thought I am thinking "ah what should I do" I am still putting in the effort and hard work but I think maybe it’s time for a change, time to do something fun, something for me? So be it if I half my salary and not have lots of money like I do now? So what if I can't afford to go out for a weekend on a new salary but ultimately I will be happy because I would be doing something new, fun, exciting but more importantly something I really really want to do!...

Come on my little readers, what do you suggest? what should I do? any advice would be fab :) It's a toughie because like I said I enjoy what I do now, just not sure it's something I want to do forever... *sigh*

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  1. You might relate to this post - I found it really moving!


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